Monday, November 27, 2006


The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends no television for children under the age of 2 ( None. Zip. Zero. That means all that Baby Einstein stuff, all Disney movies, Teletubbies, etc are out. As a hyper anal mother-to be, I spend a lot of time thinking about how things will be once the baby is here. I have spoken with dozens of mothers about this issue and as far as I can tell, the best thing about television is what it buys you: time. When the baby is spacing out to a half hour Baby Einstein DVD, mommy can wash the dishes, get a load of laundy in or just sit down for a few minutes. I do not pretend tp understand what it is like to have that little time and, the fact is, I probably will not until the baby is here. Still, R and I have made a committment to not allowing Samara to watch TV. To that end, we are planning on cancelling our cable subsciption, which should save us some money as well. It is a hard decision since I love me some Detective Stabler on Law on Order and I am--guiltily--a fan of the Bachelor, the Real World and other reality schlock. But we are committed to two years without television. For me, this means I do not even want her to know that there is such a thing as television. Until she is 2, I do not even want it on in her vicinity. Logistically, this is going to take some getting used to. R and I do tend to watch TV during our down time, probably more than we should. It would be nice to breastfeed while the TV is on since I am not sure how else I will stay entertained. The more I realize how much we rely on television for relaxation, zoning out time, entertainment and comfort, the more convinced I am that I do not want my child being too exposed to the TV. It is not a healthy habit. I have seen families who eat with the television on and basically leave it on for background noise all the time. I really do not want that for my family. Luckily, Samara has no attachement to the television yet. It is mommy and daddy who need to break their bad habits. I know it will not be easy and I will miss my evenings with Detective Stabler. But it is ultimately the best thing for our child.


Kristi said...

Wow. I stand impressed. We are way too addicted to our reality tv and Grey's Anatomy to give it up. Although we are certainly limiting Isabella's viewing to Baby Einstein and Sesame Street only.

My Wombinations said...

Stay tuned to see if we stick to the plan...