Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Halfway Point

Amazing as it is, we are now in the halfway month of 2008. With this in mind, I am doing a check in on my resolutions. So here they are:

My 2008 "resolutions":

1.) Spend more quality alone time with R
2.) Contine to work out at least one hour, five days a week throughout this pregnancy
3.) Eat small portions and dessert only two times a week (try to keep this pregnancy weight gain more reasonable than the last)
4.) Work on getting one new client a month, either through essay sales or queries

As for #1, we are doing quite well. This past weekend we went to a movie, the weekend before we went to the drive-in (with my sister as a chaperone, though) and this weekend we will be celebrating our FIFTH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY (How did I get this old?!!) with a weekend-long trip to a B and B on the coast of Maine while the bean stays with her grandparents at the lake house. Stay tuned for more posts on this topic as I am sure I will have a lot to say.

This alone time thing has been so good for us. I do not need a lot of reminders that he is the real love of my life (I already know this), but it is good to remind ourselves that we were once childless and fun and we still have many interests outside of our children.

On to #2. I am also doing very well in this regard. I am still running 8-10 miles a week (three days a week of running). I have given up spinning, but am swimming twice a week, doing yoga once a week and working on the stepmill on the days my runs are two miles. It breaks down to either five or six days a week and has been consistent throughout my pregnancy.

# 3 is where I have failed. Small portions are difficult to maintain when you are STARVING. And I am. I like me some dessert and I like me some five-pound lobsters. It is how I roll. As for the weight gain... Well, it is not AWFUL. I think I will gain roughly 40 pounds this pregnancy. It is less than last time, but more than I hoped. Still, my midwife is very pleased and says this is just what my body needs. At this point, I am just surrendering to it. But stay tuned for the many, many weight loss posts that will ensue following this birth. I already have my plan all laid out and ready to roll the second he pops out.

#4 is also going well. I have taken on three new print magazine clients, one new corporate client and a new website since Jan. 1 this year. As of the end of May, this works out to one a month, thus meeting my goal. Hopefully one of the many essays/queries I have currently sitting with editors will pan out this month (and the next) and I will stay on track.

All in all, I am pleased. I feel that for the most part, I have done well with what I could control this year. The second half is going to be a whirlwind with lots of changes, though. Stay tuned.


halloweenlover said...

Congrats on keeping your resolutions! I think everything sounds great. And the weight gain sounds perfect. Remember, you are going to be in fantastic shape and it'll be much easier to lose the weight. I need to take some of your motivation, though. I'm a couch slug these days.

Kristi said...

You're doing much better with your goals than I am. I am still SO impressed with your workout regime. You're a rockstar.